Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Blog #1

 Hi! My name is Gabrielle Caldanaro, I am a film and media major here at UT and am very excited about digital media. The first class really got me excited about all the new technology and programs there are available to use to create almost anything you want! This semester to come is going to be a learning experience I'm excited for. I am a freshmen here, and I got into film and media because in high school I took a broadcasting class for 3 years where we learned how to use DSLR's, shoot video, edit video, manage time on a project, and the difference between good and bad work. That class really showed me that film and media could be a real career option for me. I expect to get a good first hand experience on how to create many things that don't even have to be for my major such as, learning to create a business logo, as well as being able to transition it into my career that I will later have! I'm very excited to see where this class will lead me.